Case in Point
Re-Imagining Print and Mail Operations: A Covenir Success Story
The Need
Bluefire Insurance, a Managing General Agent (MGA) specializing in comprehensive, non-standard auto insurance solutions, faced operational consolidation challenges after a series of acquisitions merged eight different MGAs under one brand. One of the most complex aspects of the company’s business was print and mail: these operations were previously managed separately by each former entity – some internally, and some externally. In order to maximize efficiency and streamline processes, Bluefire realized it needed to centralize these services.
“Companies in the insurance industry often struggle with three major components: budget, speed to implement, and time and capacity to support implementation and transitions. Covenir met expectations on all points for our print function.”
Sarah Haylock
VP, Head of Operations at Bluefire
Covenir’s biggest value is the ability to have a solid standard process, but it’s not so rigid that they can’t alter it for the benefit of the customer to lower their risk exposure.
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