Seize the Surging D2C Insurance Sales Opportunity

Seize the Surging D2C Insurance Sales Opportunity

The insurance industry isn’t immune to the online shopping trend. Online shopping has been increasing for years, and the pandemic accelerated this growth. It’s not just groceries that people are buying online, either. Whether they’re shopping for cars or furniture –...
The Essential Ingredients of Insurance Customer Satisfaction

The Essential Ingredients of Insurance Customer Satisfaction

When you partner with an insurance BPO, you have big “pie in the sky” service plans. Ninety days later, after you’ve finally gone LIVE, your “pie in the sky” may feel more like a pie in the face. Minding the nooks and crannies of great service takes a lot of time and...
How to Ignite Your Insurtech Startup with a Plug and Play BPO Model

How to Ignite Your Insurtech Startup with a Plug and Play BPO Model

Insurtech is shaking up the insurance industry. According to Porch Research, more than 1,500 insurtech companies have emerged in the last five years alone. In 2020, there were 81 insurtech acquisitions – a record – and insurtech companies raised $5.4 billion in VC...
The Insurance Customer Experience: Why Culture Matters

The Insurance Customer Experience: Why Culture Matters

In insurance, customer experience is everything. This isn’t new – but some of the expectations that customers have may be. Customers have always wanted fast and convenient service. Now, they’re also demanding an experience that matches their values. Culture is...